Ammonium Nitrate Estimated Blast Effects and Best Handling Practices’
Release Date: 9/25/2014
Get the Brief Everyone is Talking About!!!
Thank you for your interest in our expert brief titled ‘Ammonium Nitrate Estimated Blast Effects and Best Handling Practices’ prepared by the engineers at AristaTek, Inc. Our company was founded by experts in the fields of chemistry and hazardous materials, and we have been developing software solutions and expert commentary for responders and planners dealing with hazardous materials for nearly 20 years. This brief was prepared at the request of the Texas State Fire Marshal’s office to aid with their research on the tragedy that took place when a fertilizer plant exploded in West, Texas back in April of 2013 using our flagship software, PEAC-WMD. Since the original release of this brief we have improved upon it by adding highlights for transported quantities and best practices for handling and safety making it the most complete resource available on ammonium nitrate.
The disaster in West, Texas has opened the eyes of first responders, public safety professionals, emergency managers, LEPCs, lawmakers and many others around the country, and the world, to the dangers ammonium nitrate can pose. The ammonium nitrate threat is not limited to just communities with fertilizer plants. Ammonium nitrate is a commonly shipped substance with trucks carrying up 23 tons and railcars carrying up to 100 tons. For reference, it is thought that somewhere around 28-32 tons were at the heart of the explosion in West Texas. That means threats similar to that of West, Texas could be present in any community. Fill out the information below to get prepared.
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PLEASE NOTE: Due to the sensitive nature of the information contained within this brief, it is not available for immediate download. While it helps address the threats associated with ammonium nitrate, communities face many other threats from hazardous materials. This brief will be delivered in conjunction with an online presentation given by a member of the AristaTek team. The purpose of the meeting is to add context to the brief and also demonstrate how PEAC-WMD, our flagship product, may be used to model the public safety consequences of other chemical, explosive, and radiological hazards in your community. After the online meeting, the brief will be delivered to you via email in a PDF format.