Incidents and Events

G8 Sea Island Summit, June 8-10, 2004

“Since 1975, the heads of state or government of the major industrial democracies have been meeting annually to deal with the major economic and political issues facing their domestic societies and the international community as a whole. The six countries at the first summit, held at Rambouillet, France in November 1975, were France, the United States, Britain, Germany, Japan and Italy. They were joined by Canada at the San Juan Summit of 1976 in Puerto Rico, and by the European Community at the London Summit of 1977. From then on, membership in the G7 was fixed, although 15 developing countries' leaders met with the G7 leaders on the eve of the 1989 Paris Summit, and the USSR and then Russia participated in a post-summit dialogue with the G7 since 1991. Starting with the 1994 Naples Summit, the G7 met with Russia at each summit (referred to as the P8 or Political 8). The Denver Summit of the Eight was a milestone, marking full Russian participation in all but financial and certain economic discussions; and the 1998 Birmingham Summit saw full Russian participation, giving birth to the G8 (although the G7 continued to function along side the formal summits). At the Kananaskis Summit in Canada in 2002, it was announced that Russia would host the G8 Summit in 2006, thus completing its process of becoming a full member.”[1]

The Calhoun, Gordon County, Dalton, Whitfield County, and Chatsworth Fire Departments have a Joint Regional Special Operations Team (Northwest Georgia Special Operations Team), that specializes in Haz Mat Response, Dive Rescue / Recovery, and Search and Rescue. This team was tasked to participate in the G8 Summit held on Saint Simons and Sea Islands, Brunswick , Savannah, and the surrounding area. The team was one of two "civilian" or non military Haz Mat teams on duty. Their assignment was to provide initial Haz Mat response on Saint Simons Island, where they were stationed, for the local fire department, and also to provide backup and DECON for the 4th CST (4th Military Civil Support Team) that was assigned duty on Sea Island where the dignitaries stayed and held the Summit. The PEAC system was a very vital tool that the team had trained with and was to use in their efforts of response at the G8 summit. The team felt the PEAC system would give them much needed, quick response information in a wide variety of situations dealing with many types of products. The team was confident in the PEAC system’s information and reliability due to having used it on other local calls and responses. The 4th CST and their team had trained together on many drills and have had live incidents where they have had the occasion to use the PEAC system. Each time it has proven to be a valuable tool in dealing with the problem at hand.

[1] G8 Information Centre, University of Toronto,

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